Monday, January 8, 2018

Glass Bottle Part 1

By Kirsten Derr for her AP English III class
An essay about a formative time of her life

Shock. Sadness. Hurt. Fear. Anger. Confusion. Stress...
Let me explain.
It started 6 years ago, the summer I would turn 11. We attended this church, which shall be henceforth known as the cult, where my parents were 3rd generation with pastors included in the family. My mom became friends with this lady, whom I shall call Mrs. Scarlett. At first everything seemed fine, and then it happened. Mrs. Scarlett began making small jabs at my mom in various settings on facebook. Maybe here I should mention that Mrs. Scarlett helped in what they called our youth class. And then, one Friday evening, Mrs. Scarlett decided cyber bullying wasn't enough for her. This is where my story begins.
Shock. My mom called me from Ladies Bible Study asking me what exactly I said in class the wednesday before. I was shocked to be told that Mrs. Scarlett had twisted words of mine to hurt my mama in front of all the cult ladies. This lady I trusted, this adult placed in a position of authority, warped what I said in a place of security and innocence.

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