Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Mother's Day post

Happy Mother's Day!  I love being a mother.  I started out the day somewhat discouraged as I've been sick and Kayson and needed to stay home from church.  I really miss our church family when I don't make it to church.  So I must confess to starting the day with well, not the best attitude ever, lol.  After my family made it home from church and gave me their thoughtful home/church made gifts that almost made me cry and brought home burgers from Five Guys and sweet tea from Chicken Express and my daddy brought me a Starbucks card and we have an afternoon plan even though my man is working.  We are going to watch Mom's Night Out and we've had laughs together and my baby girl was so glad to see me, she missed me, I guess she really does love me!  :)  and as I look around at those I helped bring into this world, I am awed and overcome with love and thankfulness!  No room for aforementioned bad mood to stick around!  I feel so much better!  :)  Now to go and watch a movie and eat some chocolate!  :)  May you have a blessed day with your loved ones!  Happy Mother's Day!  :)

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Know God more

I recently went to our church Ladie's retreat.  I felt inspired to start writing again.  I thought I would start with some of the topics that were discussed that weekend.  How can we know Him more?  What are practical ways?  God is calling us to go deeper with Him and also with each other.  So often we are so afraid to enter into the reality of life with each other.  We are afraid of judgement but this is exactly what I believe we are called to.  To live real with each other and be there through our weaknesses and trials to help (where possible), encourage and listen.  I challenge you to really press in with those around you, be willing to share and show yourself and to give the gift of acceptance.  Also a very practical way to get to know Him more is to look around for Him, go on a God hunt in your everyday life.  You can see Him at work in so many ways if you keep your eyes open.  Very often you can find Him in the small things.  For example, I was doubting a little about going to the retreat, I needed to take the baby with me and I was concerned about my grandpa and I have social anxiety so I was feeling panicky as I was getting ready to leave the house but I pray and press on through it all and arrive there.  I check in and receive a baby holder and help bringing what feels like our entire house into my room for the weekend.  There on the bed is a goody bag and as I dump it on the bed I see a pink pen fall out!  I love pink!  It is my absolute fav color of all time, lol.  I took it as a sign from God that was where I needed to be, and I was!  It was such a great weekend!  There was also a heart sticker on my chair.  lol, it really is the little things.  Those things that speak only to you, God really is a personal God, He wants to know you too.  He says if you seek, you will find Him!  I choose to see these as little gifts from Him!  In my everyday life, as I look at my precious babies, I see Him, I see his grace shining through, my babies are happy and love Him!  Through all we have lived and through all we are still finding the other side of, as a family we cling to Him and I see His grace in that so much!  He has sent us to a church that truly loves and accepts us, I am so very grateful for our church.  Even in the hard, I try to find the things to be thankful for.  Kirsten stepped through our kitchen floor the other day and its a very hard thing to have a hole in your kitchen and discouraging but here's where I try (I say try bc somedays I fail) to find gratefulness and even in this there are thankful things and God things.  Kirsten was not hurt!  My dad has allowed us to move in with him while our house is under construction and unsafe for the youngers!  Glenn and daddy have been able to arrange the same week off to get work done on the house.  This has allowed us to rethink the children's rooms and make a better plan for them and we will be able to rearrange and really clean so when we move back in everything can be fresh and newish and exciting.  So, right now, in this moment, I choose gratefulness.  I choose to see God at work.  Be blessed today and go on your own God hunt!  :)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hello again

Oh my, it has been a long time since I wrote here.  so much has happened, mainly we learned I was pregnant again and that it was a girl!  She was born in nov, we named her Kalani Nicole and she has added so much to our lives already!  I can't imagine life without her!  :) but I have had very little time for typing or crocheting or much else.  lol.  I do enjoy writing out my thoughts though so I'm going to try to start again.  :)  I do have trouble thinking of topics sometimes though.  As I am typing the baby girl wakes up and is in my arms now, I am currently finishing this one handed, lol.  guess I had better end here bc she will be hungry soon.  :)  talk to you all again soon..........hopefully!  lol