Saturday, October 24, 2020

I cry

 Did I sin?

Was I prideful?

Now we pay?

Oh, Lord,

Forgive me!

Do we get another chance?

Forgive me!

Help me to heal

Help me to forgive

Help me to move forward

    Haltingly I go........

        Now I stop..........


                So scared!

Little mouse

    Squeaks help

Help my unbelief

Help my fear

Oh, Lord,

If you are still greatest in Heaven

If you really and truly still care


Show me!

I cry!


Thursday, October 1, 2020


 Found some notes I made a few years ago when I was looking up what it meant to give an apology, not just say I’m sorry but how to mean it, how to know if others really mean it.  Is just words enough?  Does God consider words only enough?  What about restitution?  Isn’t that Biblical?  What situations?  What does it really look like?  Is saying “I’m sorry I hurt you”, basically meaning I’m sorry you took offense but I was still right and not sorry for what I said or did really an apology?  Still placing the blame on the other person.  Apology - an admission of error or discourtesy ACCOMPANIED by an expression of regret.  Apology - an acceptance of responsibility for a wrong PLUS a pledge to change one’s ways.  An apology is not complete if it does not reflect all four of these: 1. Regret 2. Understanding of problem 3. Acceptance of responsibility 4. Willingness to do better !  The whole purpose of an apology is an assurance that the behavior will not continue.  If you don’t hear all four of these, it is ok to ask for them.  If you are met with resistance, be skeptical of the true motive behind the words.  Before acceptance of an apology (I’m not talking about extending Godly forgiveness in your heart, that can be done without any action on the part of the other party.  I’m talking about letting someone back in, re-trusting, easing up on boundaries in place to protect you) ask, did I see or detect annoyance, blame shifting, any remorse?  Annoyance, blame shifting or lack of remorse will most likely ensure that the behavior will continue and your heart and emotions are not safe with that person and healthy boundaries need to stay in place.  I feel like these are the types of conversations that Christians do not have nearly enough of.